6th International Conference on
Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online
25-26-27 September 2024
Centro Congressi Frentani, Rome
Doctoral Consortium
The Doctoral Consortium on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online is intended to bring together Ph.D. students and candidates within the Education, Computer Science, Psychology, Data Science Technologies, Applications and Software Technologies field to discuss their research in an international forum.
About The Event
HELMeTO 2024 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners working in Higher Distance Education Institutions or studying Online Learning Methodologies to present and share their research in a multidisciplinary context. The conference is focused on all the relevant topics for online higher education and provides a forum for the discussion of new research directions and applications in these fields, where different disciplines could effectively meet.
25-27 September 2024
Large Language Models to Improve Feedback in Online Higher Education
Ryan Baker is Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, and Director of the Penn Center for Learning Analytics. Baker has developed models that can automatically detect student engagement in over a dozen online learning environments, and led the development of an observational protocol and app for field observation of student engagement that has been used by over 150 researchers in 7 countries. Predictive analytics models he helped develop have been used to benefit over two million students, over a hundred thousand people have taken MOOCs he ran, and he has coordinated longitudinal studies that spanned over a decade. Baker was the founding president of the International Educational Data Mining Society, is Associate Editor of the Journal of Educational Data Mining, was the first technical director of the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center DataShop, and currently serves as Co-Director of the MOOC Replication Framework (MORF) and JeepyTA projects, and Faculty Director of Penn's Online Masters in Learning Analytics. Baker has co-authored published papers with over 500 colleagues and has been cited over 30,000 times.